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Farming Today - How is your Mental Health? - February 28th 2022

HSE – Mind your head, tackle stress

For an overwhelmingly amount of young farmers poor mental health is the biggest hidden danger in farming today.

HSE’s Working Minds campaign is partnering with the Mind your Head campaign by the Farm Safety Foundation (FSF), or Yellow Wellies as known by many, to raise awareness of how to spot the signs of stress and act before it becomes a problem. They are calling for everyone involved in British agriculture to recognise and respond to the signs of work-related stress so that dealing with it becomes routine and common place. Visit Here for more information on Working Minds and the FSF.  Further resources and information can be found from:

For specific advice on stress and mental health for those working in the agriculture sector visit:

Farm Safety Foundation / Yellow Wellies, where you can get a copy of the The Little Book of Minding Your Head.